So, have you wondered what happens when someone thinks about something and nothing at all? Muselania!
Here's a peek into some of the output….
This is mostly a collection of random thoughts in one neat little place. It's also a soapbox. I that hope you find something of worth!
What's In A Name?
You may be wondering, "Muselania"? Well, what might we better call a collection of the miscellaneous musings ambling forth from my head?!
Mia Apologia
I believe in Jesus. I never have been ashamed of or hid this. I love sharing my faith and discussing matters of faith with those who would listen and engage in such conversations. This being said, I hate in-your-face proselytization and unnecessary conflict. While conflict for the sake of truth will arise, Jesus was far more relational than confrontational in His earthly ministry, and His apostles and disciples modelled this in their ministry, avoiding conflict where possible. Even as Jesus, He who is the Word, the Light, the Truth, and Love incarnate, took and kept Himself apart to share His word, light, truth and love to those who would seek it, I choose to do the same as I follow Him, walking in His footsteps. Thus I keep this blog.
I have many varied interests, and I write about that which I'm passionate. I am an autodidact polymath. The vast majority of what I have learnt over the course of my life is a result of my lust for knowledge in the quest for truth. In Jesus, I have found the Truth. True science is completely consistent with a reasonable faith. True faith is not a blind trust but knowing the history of the One trusted and believing and following Him based on His proven faithfulness, that He can and will do all the He has promised to do. I may not know the future, but I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day.
In this blog I share parts of my story. I own my story. I have the right to tell my story. If those in my story wanted to look better, they should have behaved better.* Certain names and events have been withheld and modified while maintaining the core truth and facts in order to protect the innocent from the guilty, as well as to protect the guilty from retaliation. As far as it lies with me, my goal is ever and shall be reconciliation wherever possible.
I forgive those who have wronged me. This being said, I no longer tolerate patently bad behavior, establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. For my safety and well-being, I with a broken heart have moved on with my life from certain relationships without looking back until those who have sinned against God and hurt me in the process confess the truth and lie not about what they have done. However, I'll always be able to be found, never too far from where they left me. They're free to return once the whole unadulterated truth has been told by them. I bare them no ill will. I want them to eat, just not at my table with a knife still in their hand, until they have done the right thing, at which point I'll receive them back into my life with open arms. I wish them the best of success in their endeavors and the fullness of happiness in both this life and the life to come insofar as they are found to be walking in truth and love according the light of the Light revealed in the scriptures.
I acknowledge that I've made mistakes, too, for which I have offered apologies. In all of this, the one thing that I haven't done is lied about any of it. When I'm wrong, I own it, and I do what it takes to make it right as much as is possible as those who I've offended are willing to receive it. I've been told by several friends and spiritual advisors that I share more than I should about my errors in judgement at times, but I expect no less honesty and openness from others than I do of myself. This is all that I ask and expect in return.
* With apologies to Anne Lamott