Holiness Unto the LORD

As I once again prepare for Hollow Rock camp, my thoughts naturally turn inward (yes, more than usual…) as I examine my spiritual state and relationship with YHVH. While I do not wholly agree with the classical Wesleyan view of how YHVH sanctifies us (that the sin nature, or "original sin", is removed), I do agree whole-heartedly that there is a work subsequent to regeneration comprehended in a crisis experience wrought instantaneously by a sovereign work of the Spirit received by grace through faith whereby the dominion of original sin over the heart is completely and entirely broken, enabling the believer to love purely and think rightly without any impurity therein. I have fallen so short and in recent time, neglecting to large extent that necessary and proper personal time of daily prayer and mediation, frustrated this grace, needing once again to be cleansed. I am so grateful for this time coming up so soon: if it were not for the regular reminder, I could almost forget to remember!

Here are the words of another that so eloquently expresses my heart in this matter:

People ask, "Do you believe in eradication?" My answer is, "If you mean, does God eradicate my natural instincts and propensities, both physical and mental, in such a way that these faculties can no longer be avenues for temptation, thus making sin impossible, my answer is no. I do not believe in that kind of eradication.

"Further, if you mean the annihilation of my self-hood, with its natural self-awareness and instincts of self-preservation, again I must answer no.

"But if you mean the cleansing of my inner motives and springs of actions from that lurking reluctance to embrace the full lordship of Christ in every detail and in all its personal ramifications, then I gladly say yes, I do believe in eradication. I believe that I can be purged from than carnal-mindedness what is "enmity" against God (Romans 8:7). Nothing less than this will give is the inward foundation for happy service and growing maturity."

— Richard S. Taylor

If this is the cry of your heart, why don't you consider making the time and joining us this year as we come together to seek YHVH in prayer, praise and fellowship?!

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Published by

James Reed

Love has EVERYTHING to do with it, all you need is love!