So I went ahead and did it . . .

Someone wanted me to see her MySpace profile and view her pics. Okay, n/p, let's look. Right?

Well, in order to do so, MySpace tells me that I need to have an account (inasmuch as her account is set to "private"). Grrr….

I asked her to set her account to public for a few so that I could see it. "No dice. And you did say that you would look at it…. ;)"

Now, I already have a web site. Nothing fancy, just a place on the web to call my own. So why do I need a MySpace account? Puh-leeze!

But, if I want to view her profile, I need to sign up. And I did say that I would look at it…. By the way, did I mention that she has been pestering me to get an account for some time? (Me thinks I have been scammed into getting an account; note that this is not the look of pleasure that you see on my face right now….)

Oh, well. So I got the account.

And since I was at it, I went ahead and got a LiveJournal account too. Arrggghhhh!!!!! Just to please a woman!

Happy now?

(Oh, and that's most definitely not to imply that anything could ever come of this!)

Second post.

Nothing new.

Then why this entry? 'Cause I don't want anyone to think that I've gone and dropped off the face of the earth! 😉

(You should at least try to look like that might sadden you.)

I'm still waiting for the word that my database is setup. Other than that, I won't be adding new content until then.

"What new content," you may ask? "I didn't even know that there was even any old content!"

It's there. You only know of it if I specifically told you of it. Most of it comes and goes before a folder surfer could attempt to grab it. However, if you look hard enough and know something about me or my friends and acquaintances, you should be able to find some surprises….

Anyway, drop a line! I'd like to know how many people are actually coming by. I don't have any tracking or logging set up yet, so you'll have to help me out on this one.

This post was originally hosted on another platform and imported when I made the transition to personally hosting my blog.


Hello, and welcome to my online world!

This journal will serve as my regular communication outlet to all who come my way via the web. (Isn't that what a journal is for, anyway?)

(In contrast, the forums that I will be hosting and the (more or less) static web pages that I will have available will cater to a set of very specific and limited audiences. You may or may not find anything of personal interest there.)

As I begin unlocking my site, note that this is only a dry run, so not everything is up and running or running as it should be. I haven't even prepared my forums yet; I'm waiting on my database to be setup by my host. However, don't expect anything to necessarily remain either as it is or even at all. I may scrap anything and or everything all together. I also will be rolling out a PHP-Nuke content management system down the road as the content expands to the point that it becomes useful and necessary.

This site won't open "officially" for several more weeks, at the earliest. Until then, feel free to look around and see what you can find. Actually, I welcome it! By using my site during this interim period, you have the honor of serving as one of my beta testers. Also, feel free to test my security, within the limits of common courtesy. All that I ask is that you DO NO DAMAGE! There is an old adage that I like to recall: "Locks are meant to keep honest people out." If you end up someplace where things seem unusual or out of place, consider that your hint that you probably aren't meant to be there. Remember, you wouldn't even be here if it weren't for my invitation (or that of someone else who happens to know me, for that matter…). It's on your honor that you will respect this privilege.

Just as a word of thanks, I want to mention that this site is being hosted by Mac (a friend of mine) on his own personal account. Thank you, Mac! You can visit his web site at

This post was originally hosted on another platform and imported when I made the transition to personally hosting my blog.