Feathers in the Wind:
Why I Hate Lashon Hara—Evil Speech

As Rosh Hashanah, a great time for introspection and self-examination, comes to a close, I'm reminded of an oft told story regarding gossip and slander that has been adapted in various folk tales and by several communities of faith. Rather than retell one of the many variants here, I offer you links to several versions that which taken as a whole, paint the picture that I wish to share.

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Why I Hate Lashon Hara—Evil Speech

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A Letter of Apology


I acknowledge and apologize for various mistakes and failures, as well as the pain and offense that I have caused. They have been the source of unmeasurable grief in the life of my friends and acquaintances. I present this apology to request an opportunity to reconcile with those of you that I have hurt and offended.

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