Leaving Parties and Factions Behind

A friend asked in a post on their social media page, how can a person be a Christian and not support BLM.

I left the Republican Party in part for the same reasons that I'll never support the Democratic or Libertarian Parties (or the Constitutional, Green, Socialist, etc.)—they expect you to "fall in line" with the party platform and to support their candidates good, bad or indifferent, you know, for the "good of the party". Of course when election day rolls around, I'll vote for the candidates whom I believe will do the least amount of damage to our civil body politic and constitutional form of government, quite often "holding my nose" as I do so, knowing full well how to horse trade. Continue reading Leaving Parties and Factions Behind

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Inconsistency and Hypocrisy

"The truth doesn't change just because you don't want to hear it." Oh, the irony of my friend posting this!

TL;DR: I have to vent for a moment. I'm sorry if what you're about to read is too much for you, and I'll invite you to please skip reading this post if you've had your fill of negativity for the time being—God knows I have, and I have to let off some steam. With this being said, on to my rant!

Continue reading Inconsistency and Hypocrisy

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