Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war….

I see a lot of my United States residing friends, acquaintances and others chomping at the bit for a "new revolution", some openly calling for civil war if "their side" doesn't get their desired outcome in this election. Allegations of fraud, accusations of corruption and even calls for the execution of traitors are echoing through the land, with fingers pointing on all sides.

For those who profess faith in Jesus and are in either camp, I respectfully request that we consider this: Let's say that Continue reading Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war….

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A Woman Rides the Beast

We're in perilous times. The events of this year have been disquieting, moreso than any that I can remember in my lifetime. We've experienced spiritual turbulence many times, but this is different—it's far more acutely pronounced and prolonged. The Powers That Be are working a deep magick ritual of Continue reading A Woman Rides the Beast

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Leaving Parties and Factions Behind

A friend asked in a post on their social media page, how can a person be a Christian and not support BLM.

I left the Republican Party in part for the same reasons that I'll never support the Democratic or Libertarian Parties (or the Constitutional, Green, Socialist, etc.)—they expect you to "fall in line" with the party platform and to support their candidates good, bad or indifferent, you know, for the "good of the party". Of course when election day rolls around, I'll vote for the candidates whom I believe will do the least amount of damage to our civil body politic and constitutional form of government, quite often "holding my nose" as I do so, knowing full well how to horse trade. Continue reading Leaving Parties and Factions Behind

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Patriotism and Freedom of Conscience

I believe in both freedom of conscience and liberty in action between consenting parties. I believe in peaceful, non-violent protest in support of seeking redress for grievances. I love the USA—my country, my home. I support the classically liberal ideals on which it was founded, the same ideals that gave rise to the historic Republican party and are supported in part by people affiliated with every political party (although I recognize and acknowledge that there has been a significant shift on some of the issues in both directions between the two major political parties over the last century). I detest what both of the major political parties have become and are becoming. I loath forced shows of nationalism under the guise of patriotism.

Continue reading Patriotism and Freedom of Conscience

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Where Do We Go From Here?

The United States presidential election process has completed. The outcome is not how I voted but I trust the system. It is not a perfect system and it could be made better but it is the best that there is in my opinion. It is time to accept the undisputed outcome as we continue to pray for peace and divine mercy.

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Why I Support Ron Paul for US President

The universal enslavement of humanity is being prepared before our eyes, even under our noses. The question is not whether our bondage will be technological or social, enforced or embraced; their is no conflict between "1984" and "A Brave New World". Continue reading Why I Support Ron Paul for US President

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